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How does Sussd submit my mortgage application

Once we are happy that your application is complete you will digitally sign your mortgage application. We then submit your signed application together with all supporting documentation to the Lender on your behalf. The Lender then reviews your application and if they have any queries they will liaise with Sussd.

Every application will require proof of identity, address and income, but the full list will depend on the specifics of your case. After you provide your details, our Mortgage App will let you know exactly what documentation you need to upload. You won't need to send any originals in the post and you certainly won't need to go anywhere to deliver these in person or sign anything.

Once the application has been submitted, the lender will begin their assessment. They will liaise with us to address any queries that they have.

The main thing the lender wants to understand is the full picture of your financial commitments, especially how you manage them and if they are happy that you will be able to pay your mortgage bill each month.

The lenders require applications to be submitted in a certain way. Our job and expertise is to present your case in the best way possible; our team will work with the lender's team, supplying and clarifying all the information they need.

After you provide your details and upload the requested documentation, you leave the rest to us. Once the Lender is happy that everything is in the order they will issue an approval letter which will be available for you to view in your Sussd Dashboard.